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1. We believe in us and Education is Power

Awards Network Awards

The Awards Network is made up of some of the most noteworthy award providers to young people in Scotland.

The Awards Network is a forum of providers of youth work awards providing non-formal learning opportunities for young people,. Its members work together to raise awareness of the range and impact of youth work awards that accredit learning and achievements of young people aged 10 to 25. Its membership includes the largest youth organisations in Scotland along with a range of niche award providers.

The Purpose of Awards Network is to ‘Promote and recognise the achievements of young people gained through youth work awards’.

The Vision of the Awards Network is that ‘Youth Work Awards are widely valued and accepted as critical evidence of every young person’s learning and achievement’.


Scouts Scotland

In Scotland, Scouting is administered by Scouts Scotland, a registered Scottish Charity No. SC017511, affiliated to The Scout Association (UK). Under agreement with The Scout Association, Scouts Scotland has delegated responsibility for the management of the affairs of The Scout Association in Scotland, with specific responsibilities for programme, training, and administration. Scouts Scotland is dedicated to making sure that Scouting in Scotland remains safe, fun and relevant for young people, and that the Scouting programme is properly delivered. Find out more at www.scouts.scot

Chief Scout’s Gold Award by Scouts Scotland

Budget: Membership Subscription

For Ages: 10 - 14

Time to Complete: 6 Months

Meeting Frequency: Weekly, Ad Hoc

Budget: Free, Membership Subscription

For Ages: 14 - 17

Time to Complete: 12 Months

Meeting Frequency: Weekly

Budget: Free, Membership Subscription

For Ages: 15 - 24

Time to Complete: 6 Months

Meeting Frequency: Weekly

King’s Scout Award by Scouts Scotland

Budget: Free, Membership Subscription

For Ages: 16 - 24

Time to Complete: N/A

Meeting Frequency: One week long, Weekly

Young Leader Award by Scouts Scotland

Budget: Free, Membership Subscription

For Ages: 14 - 17

Time to Complete: 2 Years

Meeting Frequency: Weekly, Monthly, Ad Hoc