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Acting on Achievement - Report Published

Acting on Achievement is a thoroughly-researched report that outlines the important role youth awards and programme providers can play in education reform. Published in May 2024 by Awards Network, it shows how youth awards have supported young people across Scotland to build core skills, explore new experiences, make connections with positive role models in their communities and earn accreditation.

The report draws on wide-ranging sources from the UK and Europe to evidence support for a future where the types of opportunities on offer within the network can meet many of the challenges faced. It continues to pursue the case for giving parity of esteem to Awards Network members.

Link to report


Amazing Things

A Directory of Youth Awards in Scotland.

What employers say about youth work awards

A sample of quotes from employers, using the example of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.


A quick guide to Apprenticeships in Scotland.

Tips on Writing a CV

Tips on CVs and applications and access to the MyWorldofWork CV builder.

UCAS Personal Statement

How to write a UCAS Undergraduate personal statemen.t

Transferability of skills gained through youth work

Download a copy of ‘Get Ahead – Scouting and employability’ – an example of how to identify transferrable skills gained through youth work experiences.