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Parents and Carers

Awards Network for Parents and Carers

Parents and carers are at the centre of learning for young people. Youth awards can make a positive difference to your family:

  • They support and encourage young people to reach their potential.
  • It is a positive way to learn outside of the classroom and school environment.
  • The connect young people to active organisations, employers, supporters building a strong support-network around the individual young person.
  • It is an opportunity to gain qualifications that recognise each small step that young people take on their journey.
  • It opens up amazing experiences that help young people discover their talents and strengths.
  • It is a gift, like no other, that your child will carry with them into the future.
  • It provides access to the skills, qualities and credentials - backed by stories that employers want to hear.



The Curriculum for Excellence requires schools to recognise the breadth of young people’s achievement, to include achievements gained outside of school through e.g. youth work, volunteering and hobbies, and not simply their ability to pass exams. This means that there is a growing role for community activities to support and complement school based learning.

Employers say:

Business is clear – we need an education system which develops rigorous, rounded and grounded young people. This means a system which focuses as much on the development of key attitudes and attributes – such as confidence, resilience, enterprise, ambition – as on academic progression and attainment.

– Delivering Excellence – an approach for schools in Scotland, CBI, 3/2015


Any job requires a set of technical skills, but employees also need a range of ‘soft skills’. Employers increasingly recognise how youth work awards help young people develop these ‘soft skills’, and consequently make them more valuable as employees in the workplace.

Some of our Awards

Outward Bound Trust

Adventure and Challenge Award (SCQF 5)

Provider: Outward Bound Trust

 The Adventure and Challenge Award is most suitable for young people where additional attainment through SCQF recognition is an important outcome of the… more



Provider: Prosper

At Stemovators, we’re on a mission to inspire the next generation of scientists, engineers and tech experts. Our Young Engineers and Science Clubs Scotland… more


Pearson BTEC Diploma in Teamwork and Personal Development in the Community (SCQF Level 5)

Provider: CVQO

The CVQO BTEC in Teamwork and Personal Development in the Community (SCQF Level 5) is achieved by thousands of youth group members each year and is one of its… more

What can you do?

  • Use the Award Finder to help your child identify the award or range of awards that might best suit their learning needs, interests or ambitions – and encourage positive engagement.
  • Encourage your child to share information about their achievements, record them and have these recognised and celebrated by their school.
  • At school parents evenings ask how the school promotes and recognises non-academic achievement.
  • Share information with school pastoral care teams, pupil support and guidance teachers.
  • Get in touch with us or contact an awards provider directly.


What I’ve learned through the Boys’ Brigade awards journey

What I’ve learned through the Boys’ Brigade awards journey

Members of the Boys' Brigade in Scotland share their stories of skills development and personal achievement from progressing through the Boys' Brigade… Read More
Youth Work in Schools Partnership

Youth Work in Schools Partnership

Youth Link Scotland's Youth Work in Schools Partnership has produced an evaluation of case studies reflecting on examples of youth work in schools. The report… Read More
All Case Studies


SCQF - information for Parents and Carers

Understanding the SCQF can help you support your child's learning journey

Interactive Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework

Understand qualification levels, where awards and qualifications sit and how they equate

Youth Work Skills Framework

A tool to help young people to identify and articulate the skills they develop and apply through youth work and related non-formal learning activity

Wider Achievement in a Nutshell

A simple explanation of Wider Achievement from The National Parents Forum of Scotland with examples of opportunities and related awards and qualifications

What is Achievement?

The importance of achievement, outlined in Educations Scotland’s Parentzone