The Guide Gold Award is a special achievement and gives each participant the opportunity to put everything they’ve learned through the Guide programme into practice and take part in a new outdoor activity.
To earn the Guide Gold Award participants need to earn all six Theme Awards and then do the final challenge. The final challenge includes making the Guide Promise, taking part in a new outdoor activity and learning more about becoming a Ranger or Young Leader.
The syllabus six Theme Awards are as follows:
The Guide Gold award is open to Girlguiding members aged 10 to 14 who are part of a Guide unit.
Participants have the duration of their time in Guides to complete their Gold award. During that time they will have an opportunity to progress through Bronze (complete 2 Theme Awards), to Silver (4 Theme Awards) and finally to Gold, the top award in the Guide Section.
No, the award is not currently externally accredited, but the award is recognised in Guiding and demonstrates a strong commitment to the organisation and personal development. The award is assessed by the Guide leader and, once completed, the participant is awarded with a Guide Gold Award badge.
Provider: Girlguiding Scotland
Website: Click here
Budget: Membership Subscription
For Ages: 10 - 14
Time to Complete: 1 Years
Type of Involvement:
Award Recognition:
Meeting Frequency: Weekly
Contact 0131 226 4511, or send an email.