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ASDAN Certificate of Personal Effectiveness

Why this award?

The Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (CoPE) is a nationally recognised qualification available at Levels 1, 2 and 3 (National 4 to Higher/AH). The qualification offers imaginative ways of accrediting young people's activities. It promotes, and allows centres to record, a wide range of personal qualities, abilities and achievements of young people, as well as introducing them to new activities and challenges.

CoPE enables students to: 

  • develop and demonstrate a range of personal, key and employability skills
  • broaden their experience
  • manage their learning in a variety of real-life contexts The qualification is practical, engaging and Students choose modules based on their interests.

At Levels 1 and 2 the young person will work through a student book that comprises of 13 modules. The module titles are: 

  • Communication; Citizenship and Community;
  • Sport and leisure;
  • Independent living;
  • The environment;
  • Vocational preparation;
  • Health and fitness;
  • Work-related learning and enterprise;
  • Science and technology;
  • International links;
  • Expressive arts;
  • Beliefs and values;
  • Combined studies.

At Level 3 , activities are chosen from the following modules:

  • Active Citizenship
  • Work Related Activities
  • Career Planning
  • Global Awareness
  • Enrichment Activities
  • Extended Project

Along with their completed challenges, students will produce a portfolio of evidence to demonstrate their achievements. Students must also demonstrate competence in the six CoPE skills units:

  • Introduction to Working with Others
  • Introduction to Improving own Learning and Performance
  • Introduction to Problem Solving
  • Planning and Carrying out a Piece of Research
  • Communication through Discussion
  • Planning and Giving an Oral Presentation

The portfolio has proven to be something students are particularly proud of. Students can use their portfolio to present their work and its journey to prospective employers or further education institutions. The content of the course can be personalised, therefore the student has control of their own learning. There is no need to support your student with revision as there are no exams. 

Students who achieve CoPE level 3 will further benefit from earning 16 UCAS points

Who is it for?

  • Students from S3 onwards working at National 4 and 5 level either within the whole school programme or within the option system would work towards CoPE levels 1 and 2.
  • Those students working at Higher level and preparing to progress into Higher Education, employment or vocational training and apprenticeships would work towards CoPE Level 3.

What time commitment is required?

Students will need 12 credits (120 hours of activities) at Levels 1 and 2  (National 4 and 5) and 15 credits (150 hours of activity) at Level 3 (Higher) to gain the Certificate of Personal Effectiveness

Is the award externally accredited?

The Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (CoPE) is a nationally recognised qualification, requiring External Postal Moderation

ASDAN courses embrace the four capacities of the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence, enabling young people to become responsible citizens, confident individuals, effective contributors and successful learners.

ASDAN programmes and qualifications can fulfil many of the Curriculum for Excellence experiences and outcomes to help bring about improvements for all learners in Scotland.

Case study: ASDAN boosts student resilience and engagement with the wider world

Provider: ASDAN

Website: Click here

Budget: Award Fee, Membership Subscription

For Ages: 14 - 18

Time to Complete: 120 Hours


  • Sport
  • Nature
  • Volunteering
  • Arts
  • Music
  • Youth Work
  • Get Outdoors
  • Making friends
  • Achievement
  • Develop my CV
  • Help get into College or Uni
  • Gain new skills

Type of Involvement:

  • With Others
  • Local Community
  • On my own
  • Join a group

Award Recognition:

  • Certificate of Achievement
  • To build skills and experience
  • UCAS Recognition

Meeting Frequency: Ad Hoc


Contact Heather Aitken, Regional Relationship Manager Scotland on 07903082609, or send an email.