8 Jan 2018
The Awards Network Parliamentary Reception on 23rd January starts off Year of Young People 2018 with a celebration of youth awards and award achievements of young people. Will you be there? Sponsored by Jenny Gilruth MSP, Awards Aware – How Youth Awards Support Attainment aims to increase awareness of the range and impact of youth awards and how they support attainment, achievement and development of Scotland’s young workforce. Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP, Minister for Further…20 Dec 2017
Thanks to the input of members, partners and supporters, 2017 has been a very positive year for the Awards Network, achieving increased membership and recognition. Some highlights include: Achievement of 91,000 youth awards recorded over 12 months The publication of Amazing Things 4 Launch of our new website www.awardsnetwork.org Increased Awards Network engagement across a wide spectrum of organisations and sectors; Growing awareness of the value and importance of youth awards to learner…13 Dec 2017
The work of the Awards Network in recognising achievements of young people and encouraging volunteering has been recognised and praised in a Parliamentary Debate to mark the forthcoming Year of Young People 2018. In her first speech to Parliament as Minister for Childcare and Early Years, Maree Todd MSP proposed the Motion ‘That the Parliament recognises that 2018 has been designated as Scotland’s Year of Young People; notes that it will provide an opportunity to showcase the…17 Oct 2017
Amazing Things - A Guide to Youth Awards in Scotland John Swinney MSP, Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, was pleased to receive his copy of Amazing Things during the 2017 Scottish Learning Festival. A subsequent communication to the Awards Network noted that: The Government supports the valuable contribution that youth awards make to encouraging and recognising young people’s wider achievements, which can increase their confidence and self-esteem as well…19 Sep 2017
Amazing Things (4th edition) The 4th edition of Amazing Things – the guide to youth awards in Scotland has been launched by the Awards Network to coincide with the 2017 Scottish Learning Festival. Featuring 26 youth award providers and more than double the number of youth awards than the previous edition, it is packed with information that will help young people, educators and employers learn more about youth awards and how they contribute to young people’s learning, life and work…11 Sep 2017
Youth Awards Skills boost employability and attainment Two recent research reports point to the value of youth awards in boosting young people’s employment prospects and academic performance. Employers, teachers and young people highlight the importance of ‘soft skills’ that youth work and youth awards help young people to develop. The Prince’s Trust Results for Life Report reveals that soft skills such as teamwork, communication and confidence are considered by young…3 Jul 2017
An Interim Report on progress delivering outcomes on the high level Ambitions of Scotland’s National Youth Work Strategy 2014/19 has recently been released. The Report highlights the role of youth awards in ‘supporting young people in their learning and to progress to further and higher education, training and employment on leaving school.’ Noting the important contribution of volunteer and paid youth workers to delivery of youth award opprtunities, John Swinney, Deputy First…12 Jun 2017
Evidencing the Impact of Youth Awards Youth Scotland is inviting young people who have completed Dynamic Youth and Youth Achievement Awards to complete a short survey to show how participating in these awards has made a difference to their lives. To ensure it hears from as many young people as possible help is being sought from young people, youth workers, teachers and other partners to engage young people they know who have completed Dynamic Youth or Youth Achievement Awards. All survey…15 May 2017
The Awards Network has approved a new Strategy to guide its work during 2017 to 2020. The strategic themes of Membership, Organisation, Communication and Partnership focus activity on growing membership and reach; strengthening governance; developing greater awareness of youth awards and their impact on young people; and working in partnership and collaboration with education, employers and government to support equity, attainment and workforce development objectives.18 Apr 2017
The Awards Network is delighted to welcome Archaeology Scotland as its first Associate Member. Eila Macqueen, Director of Archaeology Scotland, said “We are delighted to be part of the Awards Network family bringing our new Heritage Hero Awards to the range of exciting options for making the most out of youth-led personal development opportunities.” The Heritage Hero Awards were launched by Archaeology Scotland in early 2017 following an extensive pilot involving schools, local…