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Youth Awards skills boost employability and attainment

Youth Awards Skills boost employability and attainment

Two recent research reports point to the value of youth awards in boosting young people’s employment prospects and academic performance. Employers, teachers and young people highlight the importance of ‘soft skills’ that youth work and youth awards help young people to develop.

The Prince’s Trust Results for Life Report reveals that soft skills such as teamwork, communication and confidence are considered by young people, teachers and workers to be as important to achieving success in life as good grades.

A recent poll of senior managers commissioned by the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award produced similar findings:


Amazing Things

A Directory of Youth Awards in Scotland.

What employers say about youth work awards

A sample of quotes from employers, using the example of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.


A quick guide to Apprenticeships in Scotland.

Tips on Writing a CV

Tips on CVs and applications and access to the MyWorldofWork CV builder.

UCAS Personal Statement

How to write a UCAS Undergraduate personal statemen.t

Transferability of skills gained through youth work

Download a copy of ‘Get Ahead – Scouting and employability’ – an example of how to identify transferrable skills gained through youth work experiences.