Here Young Enterprise Scotland (YE Scotland) speak to Ashleigh from Social Eyes, their 2023 Scottish Company of the Year and Owen from Tee'd up, the Managing Director of the Year about their experiences surrounding the Company Programme.
The Company Programme is YE Scotland's most immersive programme which provides a real-life learning opportunity that introduces young people to the realities of the world of work.
Courtney Vernell, Centre Lead, Johnstone High School:
Owen always had an enterprising spirit and personality that we nurtured withinour schooling community and we brought him to a point where actually he was confident with staff but wasn't confident with his peers, which is hard to believe seeing him now. But by 6th year he managed to channel that energy and that passion he had for business into being a confident contributing individual.
Company Programme: Owen McCarrey - Tee’d Up and Ashleigh Coghill - Social Eyes
Winning the Company of the Year and Managing Director of the Year in 2023's Company Programme.
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