A Directory of Youth Awards in Scotland.
Category: Awards Network Members, Schools, Young People, Youth Work
This wakelet brings together videos reports and other resources to support use of youth awards in schools, youth work and CLD settings.
Category: Awards Network Members, Parents, Schools, Youth Work
Grant funding of up to £10,250 is available for eligible community and voluntary organisations to set up and deliver the DofE, as well as the enrolment costs for young people taking part.
Category: Awards Network Members, Employers, Parents, Schools, Volunteers, Young People, Youth Work
This toolkit has been developed through consultation with educators and other partners to create a suite of resources that will support practitioners embed skills in a manageable and sustainable way.
Category: Awards Network Members, Employers, Parents, Schools, Volunteers, Young People, Youth Work
Find more than 35,000 jobs, apprenticeships, courses and volunteering opportunities all in one place.
Category: Awards Network Members, Employers, Parents, Schools
The Curriculum Improvement Cycle is a systematic review of the Scottish curriculum to ensure it remains up to date and relevant for children and young people.
Category: Awards Network Members, Employers, Parents, Schools, Volunteers, Young People, Youth Work
Build a library of your achievements! Use this to help track your successes, reflect on what you've accomplished and discover what motivates you.
Category: Awards Network Members, Employers, Parents, Schools, Young People
Education Scotland's blog contains key information on the latest developments of the Curriculum Improvement Cycle Education Scotland is leading on.
Category: Parents, Schools, Volunteers, Young People, Youth Work, Nature-based
WWF and the Mental Health Foundation have come together to produce this guide for you. We want you to thrive and for nature to thrive around you. We think the two are mutually supportive. From forests and rivers, to parks and gardens, to window boxes or e
Category: Parents
Understanding the SCQF can help you support your child's learning journey
Category: Parents
Understand qualification levels, where awards and qualifications sit and how they equate
Category: Parents
A tool to help young people to identify and articulate the skills they develop and apply through youth work and related non-formal learning activity
Category: Parents
A simple explanation of Wider Achievement from The National Parents Forum of Scotland with examples of opportunities and related awards and qualifications
Category: Parents
The importance of achievement, outlined in Educations Scotland’s Parentzone
Category: Young People
Download a copy of ‘Get Ahead – Scouting and employability’ – an example of how to identify transferrable skills gained through youth work experiences.
Category: Young People
Tips on CVs and applications and access to the MyWorldofWork CV builder.
Category: Young People
A sample of quotes from employers, and case studies.