The Royal Society of Edinburgh published a vision for future-proofing education and skills in Scotland.
In their article, there are 10 calls to action including one to design a more modern curriculum. It states:
"Scotland needs a versatile and internationally competitive curriculum that can be applied and reapplied to evolving contexts without becoming obsolete. Problem solving, critical thinking, and the application of knowledge are becoming more relevant that knowledge acquisition, reflecting an overall trend towards skills and competencies as the key educational currency of the 21st century. Rather than supplying all the ‘right answers’, the curriculum must prepare individuals to constructively engage with the social, economic, cultural, technological, and political challenges they are bound to encounter in their professional and personal lives.
This will necessitate a radical review of the content of the curriculum, not just a subject-specific content review, and will require the implementation of different methods of assessment. There will be divergent views to such radical change, but reform is essential and urgently needed."
The Awards Network has a range of learning programmes, which are designed in this way. Although many of them are being integrated into wider learning and achievement in schools, we believe that there is much more can be done.
Read the full article here.