The Employment Pathways edition of our newsletter provides valuable insights to ways youth awards and non-formal learning opportunities connect and guide young people onto a positive career path. Link Here
Preparing to leave school is exciting and daunting in equal measures. The old certainty that good exam results or university degrees will lead to well-paid careers for life is no longer guaranteed. Young people need more innovative ways to build experiences, knowledge, skills, and personal qualities to flexibly wind their way along an unpredictable career path and future.
Youth awards are known for building high-quality programmes and frameworks that support young people in deomsrating who they are and whay they are capable of. This is what we term in the Awards Network as the ‘amazing things’ achieved in ways that exam results struggle to match. Many young people gain stories about leaping out of their confort zones, opening new doors and breaking down barriers. The experiences allow young people to realise their untapped potential, forming lifeling friendships and wider support networks.
Read and enjoy these articles, noting the diversity of amazing things awards providers do to support young people on their way to a positive future.