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Minister launches Amazing Things 5

Jamie Hepburn MSP, Minister for Higher Education and Further Education, Youth Employment and Training, launched the 5th edition of Amazing Things today at the Scottish Learning Festival #SLF2021, saying youth awards “give young people opportunities to develop the skills they need to succeed in life.” 

Highlighting the importance of developing awareness and promoting the benefits of youth awards alongside other qualifications to address the needs of all young people and help close the attainment gap, he said: “Youth awards provide the right recognition, at the right time, in the right way for young people.” As young people seek guidance on charting their future, the Minister stressed that “Trusted adults need to have a resource like Amazing Things to guide the advice they give.”

The Minister praised the work of awards organisations and the youth work sector more widely for its support for learning and engagement during the Pandemic: “You were there when young people needed you.” 

View the Minister's Launch Address