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Girlguiding - excited about awards

Girlguiding is ‘excited about awards’ and no wonder! In what is described as the biggest overhaul in its history, Girlguiding launched its new youth programme on Saturday 21 July. ‘There’s something available for everyone who wants to complete an award. Every girl will have the opportunity to push her boundaries, have new experiences and feel proud of her achievement. And as girls get older the range of awards increases, so girls can tailor their Guiding journey to really suit their interests.’

Six Themes form the building blocks for the Programme - know myself, express myself, be well, have adventures, take action and skills for my future

The programme has been designed during the past 18 months with input from over 50,000 members across the UK to “reflect the diversity of girls and modern life in the 21st Century”. It includes an updated range of awards to inspire girls to celebrate their achievements. Some are new awards, others have a long history. But all of them take time and commitment to achieve, which is why they’re something girls can be really proud of.’

The Awards Network congratulates Girlguiding on the launch of this exciting new programme that supports progressive learning and development and will deliver skills and outcomes that are clearly recognisable in the context of Curriculum for Excellence and DYW. Coming as it does during Scotland’s Year of Young People 2018, the programme provides fantastic new opportunities to recognise and celebrate the achievements of girls and young women.


Amazing Things

A Directory of Youth Awards in Scotland.

What employers say about youth work awards

A sample of quotes from employers, using the example of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.


A quick guide to Apprenticeships in Scotland.

Tips on Writing a CV

Tips on CVs and applications and access to the MyWorldofWork CV builder.

UCAS Personal Statement

How to write a UCAS Undergraduate personal statemen.t

Transferability of skills gained through youth work

Download a copy of ‘Get Ahead – Scouting and employability’ – an example of how to identify transferrable skills gained through youth work experiences.