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Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills launches Nature-based awards resource

Wednesday 25 May 2022

Achieving awards in, through and for nature is a collaborative resource designed to help practitioners navigate learner journeys and progression through nature-based national awards.

Launching the resource during a visit to Awards Network member Scouts Scotland’s Fordell Firs Scout Adventures Centre in Fife, Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills said:

“This accessible mapping tool from the John Muir Trust helps people navigate learner journeys through nature-based awards. It shows that from early years to young adults and families, all sorts of people can build skills in and benefit from our wild places. We know that using awards to connect with nature provides essential opportunities for helping tackle the climate crisis and reversing biodiversity loss too.” 

Achieving awards in, through and for nature – is the result of a collaboration led by the John Muir Trust, with NatureScot, the Awards Network, RSPB Scotland, Scottish Forestry, Royal Forestry Society, Scottish Countryside Ranger Association and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.  

It provides an illustrative pathway for practitioners to navigate and connect diverse nature-based award opportunities available in Scotland. It demonstrates how nature-based awards contribute to national agendas such as building skills for life, learning and work, and inspiring people about the benefits of wild places and nature connection in tackling the climate crisis and reversing biodiversity loss. 

The Poster additionally signposts practitioners to the Awards Network’s website and the many learning opportunities available through youth awards featured in the latest edition of Amazing Things, the guide to youth awards in Scotland.