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Awards Network Parliamentary Reception

Guests from education, industry, government and the third sector will gather at the Scottish Parliament this evening with young people and representatives of Awards Network member organisations for a Parliamentary Reception sponsored by Jenny Gilruth MSP.

Shirley Anne Somerville MSP, Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science, will provide the keynote address on Awards Aware – How Youth Awards Support Attainment.

Youth awards provide enormous opportunities for young people to develop skills, improve attainment and have their achievements recognised. The Awards Network seeks to develop greater awareness amongst educators, employers, parents and young people themselves of the range, value and potential life-changing impact of youth awards available across Scotland. It is encouraging, schools, colleges, employers and individuals to demonstrate their awareness of youth awards by signing up to its Awards Aware Scheme and having this recognised by displaying an Awards Aware Certificate.  


Amazing Things

A Directory of Youth Awards in Scotland.

What employers say about youth work awards

A sample of quotes from employers, using the example of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.


A quick guide to Apprenticeships in Scotland.

Tips on Writing a CV

Tips on CVs and applications and access to the MyWorldofWork CV builder.

UCAS Personal Statement

How to write a UCAS Undergraduate personal statemen.t

Transferability of skills gained through youth work

Download a copy of ‘Get Ahead – Scouting and employability’ – an example of how to identify transferrable skills gained through youth work experiences.