This case study video is an example of the Young STEM Leader award taking place in a community youth work setting at the Citadel Youth Centre in Edinburgh. As part of a pilot supported by YouthLink Scotland the team used the STEM Leaders award to support their work with young women and girls to consider routes into employment.
The Young STEM Leaders Award can be engaged with at non-formal levels which are not accredited and formal levels where participants gain an SCQF at levels 4 to 6.
“The thing to say is that it really works for us in the sense that there is a non-formal element. As one of many activities we deliver out of school it suited us having a non-formal approach to delivery. It has a lot of flexibility built in which makes it really easy to engage young people and deliver the programme.”
Youth Worker
Young STEM Leaders in Edinburgh
The outcome was that girls gained confidence and self-belief in overcoming stereotypes and realising that there are STEM roles which they are free to enter if they choose.
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