After struggling with her mental health and self-confidence, along with being a full time carer for both her parents during the Covid-19 pandemic, Rachel from Kirkcaldy, has forged a career which she is proud of.
Rachel suffered from periods of poor mental health throughout school and decided to leave in fifth year after a significant dip. After leaving school she started on an Early Education and Childcare course at college. She completed the course but before she could take the next steps Covid-19 hit.
After dealing with caring responsibilities at home and coming out of the pandemic, Rachel wanted to do something for herself. She decided she was ready to restart her employment journey and reached out to The King's Trust in 2021.
Despite wanting to get into work, Rachel didn’t feel she was work-ready. She knew she needed to work on her confidence and her social anxiety before she could move forward with her life. Through The Trust, she was able to access therapy, as well as 1-2-1 mentoring, and was able to reach a point where she felt ready to join a programme.
Read the full case-study here.
The King's Trust helped remove barriers for me. The biggest one was mental health. My social anxiety wasn’t helping me move forward, so being able to access therapy was invaluable. I learned new techniques to help manage my anxiety and how to meditate.
How Rachel from Kirkaldy forged a new career with support from the King’s Trust
She completed a six month employability course with The Trust, after which she felt confident enough to start applying for jobs. In August 2022, Rachel successfully applied for a role with Boots. She has been there ever since, impressing colleagues and management with her excellent attitude and improved confidence, and is in a job she loves.
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