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Scottish Countryside Ranger’s Association Scottish Junior Ranger Award

Why this award?


The Scottish Junior Ranger Award has developed from a Pilot programme launched in 2013. This is a great award for young people who are wild about nature, the countryside and conservation. It offers opportunities to take part in outdoor learning; learn more about the work of Countryside Rangers; develop new skills and experience; and spend time with others with shared interests. The Junior Ranger programme is also the first step in professional development with the Scottish Countryside Rangers Association.

The key aims of the programme run by the Scottish Countryside Rangers’ Association (SCRA) are that it: 

• Encourages local organisations to work in partnership with Countryside Rangers 

• Welcomes all young people aged between 11 and 18 to take part in enjoyable, inspirational and relevant outdoor learning experiences 

• Provides opportunities to develop transferable understanding, experience and skills based on what Rangers do in their jobs 

The Junior Ranger Award recognises commitment to the Ranger Service and to achieving competencies in a range of tasks. The Award is gained by taking part in a series of group activities designed to deliver a number of competencies reflecting the skills and knowledge of those working in the Ranger (or associated) profession, taking the participants on a personal development journey. The 5 key competencies are linked closely to the Foundation Level Countryside Rangers CPD:

Know your site • Care for your site • Care for visitors • Events and Interpretation • Working with others 

Those who complete the 5 competencies and achieve the award can progress to Level 2, which focuses on Leadership skills. At Level 2 they  take ownership of their group and activities, mentor newer members, and develop transferable skills and knowledge for future employment in environmental conservation.

Who is it for?

The Junior Ranger Award is available to those aged 11-18. To achieve the award the young person must be in a registered group run by a delivery partner- Ranger Service, education setting, youth group etc. 

The award provides learning and skills that can link to requirements for achievements of a range of other award programmes, including e.g. DofE, JASS, John Muir Award, Scout and Girlguiding awards and more.

What time commitment is required?

Junior Ranger Groups usually meet once a month throughout the year to participate in different outdoor activities.

It takes up to 12 months to gain the first level of the award. Some groups offer a second level which focuses on leadership.

Is the award externally accredited?

This is an internally accredited award.  Participants keep evidence of their involvement. The evidence they collect goes towards an assessment. Delivery partners will review evidence of achievement against core competencies and skills detailed in the Junior Ranger Co-Ordinators Toolkit. If the young person has evidenced achievement against these 5 core competencies and 7 skills an award will be issued. 

Case studies:

Award stories from Individuals

Programme Partner case studies

Provider: Scottish Countryside Ranger’s Association

Website: Click here

Budget: Free

For Ages: 11 - 18

Time to Complete: 12 Months


  • Nature
  • Volunteering
  • Youth Work
  • Get Outdoors
  • Making friends
  • Achievement
  • Develop my CV
  • Gain new skills
  • Physical Activity

Type of Involvement:

  • With Others
  • Local Community
  • On my own
  • Away from home
  • Join a group

Award Recognition:

  • Certificate of Achievement
  • To build skills and experience

Meeting Frequency: Monthly


Contact Duncan McNeill on 07342 079 289, or send an email.